Terms of use

The website of the company OLYMPIC provides the possibility of electronic orders to its users / customers, acting as b2b but also b2c and provides its services with the acceptance, by the users, of the following Terms of Use. If you place orders through our website, you automatically accept these terms.
Please read them carefully, at regular intervals, in order to be informed of any changes. Changes will be made without prior notice to users.
When you visit the OLYMPIC website and send orders or emails, you automatically accept the right of the company, respectively, to contact you electronically or necessarily by phone. You agree in advance that electronic communication and the information transmitted through it meet the applicable legal requirements and rules regarding the exchange of such information in writing.
Your order can be placed:
• via email at: olympiciq@gmail.com
• using your account and the electronic ordering system through the website of the company olympicdogs.gr
• via the customer service department at the phones: +30 2102531772
The goods travel on behalf and under the responsibility of the buyer and our company bears no responsibility for any loss or destruction during their transport. The insurance of the goods can be done only after a written request and at the expense of the buyer. The goods are sent:
• within Attica by our company
• in the rest of Greece and abroad after consultation with the customer with a transport company of his choice. The costs in this case are fully covered by the buyer.
The products must be packed individually and in such a way that they are not damaged during transport. Products shipped without a standard packaging to protect them will not be accepted.
1. The shipping cost of the goods is borne by the customer, if a transport company is used.
2. Goods to be returned for credit invoicing must:
• be in excellent condition and in their original packaging,
• no stickers (eg prices, etc.) are stuck on them or on their packaging and
• during transport, they should be packed in a separate package (box) so as not to be damaged.
3.Returns are accepted within 30 days from the date of issue of the purchase invoice of the returned products.
4. Defective products are not accepted for credit invoice issuance. They are repaired or replaced with new ones, as long as they are under warranty.
5. Returns of products are not accepted if they have been damaged during transport by the transport company.
All content on the Olympic website, such as non-binding, text, graphics, trademarks, images (regardless of attributes), digital files and software, is the exclusive property of Olympic or the content providers that work with website, and is protected by Greek and international copyright laws.
It is prohibited to collect and use product catalogs, product descriptions or prices, any indirect use of the OLYMPIC website and its contents, for the benefit of another company, commercial or not, without the written consent of OLYMPIC. All website design, text, graphics, options and settings are the property of OLYMPIC and are copyrighted. All rights reserved.
The company OLYMPIC provides its users with a limited access and use license of the website olympicdogs.gr, for their information, placing orders and communication with the company.
The olympicdogs.gr website is provided by the company OLYMPIC “as is” and “as available”. OLYMPIC does not endorse any representation or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, either for the operation of the website or for the information, content, material or products contained therein. For this reason, the users of the website agree to use it at their own risk.
OLYMPIC does not warrant that the servers or e-mails sent from the Website contain viruses or other harmful elements. OLYMPIC is not responsible for any disasters of any kind that may occur through the use of the website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, incidental and consequential disasters.
The visitors of the website olympicdogs.gr automatically agree that the specific Terms of Use are subject to the Laws of the Greek State. In the event of any dispute between users and OLYMPIC where it is in any way related to the use of the company’s website or the products or services sold through it, an attempt will first be made to resolve this dispute out of court. . In the event that such a resolution is not reached, disputes and related issues will be resolved in the competent Courts.