Shipment Information
We ship worldwide. All IQ BOXes are shipped in a free and totally secure smartpack package. The time of shipment depends on the availability of our products.
The cost of shipment, due to product’s size, cannot be calculated at the time of the placement of the order. For this, Olympic will contact you in order to make any arrangements needed.
For deliveries in Attica
We deliver our IQ BOXes free of charge. The time and the place of the delivery are a matter of agreement with the customer.
For Deliveries in Greece and Worldwide
We deliver everywhere in the world. The delivery of our products is being done by a transportation company in agreement with the customer. The cost is estimated accordingly depending on the shipment method / carrier the customer will choose.
The time of delivery depends on product availability and the transportation company used each time.
  • In case your order cannot be placed and sent due force majeure Olympic will contact you to make any change in arrangements needed.
  • holds the right to ask for cash in advance for any order placed
  • holds the right to change prices without previous notice.